The Widget is the North Pole of Decision Making.

A good decision is one that advances us towards where we want to be.

Good decision making is a deliberate process of inquiry that advances us towards where we want to be.


Where do we want to be?


Wherever that is - that's Our Widget

The Widget is the Magnetic North Pole of Decision Making.

It defines where we are, where we've been, and where we want to be.


Our Widget is one of three things we control in a decision.


There have been trillions of trillions of journeys that have used Magnetic North to navigate.

A couple of hundred ever reached it.


Our Widget may be over the horizon and yet it guided us today.

The Widget is a fixed point against which we can measure our progress.

In our work.

In our relationships.

In our life.

Which is why it's all about the Widget.

It's never about the Widget.



A Good Decision is the Least Harmful if Wrong.


Amidst the Chaos We Control Three Things.