Bad Workers Make Bad Bosses.

We respect good bosses because we’ve had bad bosses.

We know being good means the boss keeping their positional power gun holstered - choosing instead trust, patience, and other ‘soft’ virtues. We know that takes courage. We respect the good boss and feel grateful for her faith in us.

Which may explain why good bosses can appear weak to the bad worker.

The good worker knows and responds to the virtues of the good boss.

The bad worker exploits them.

Often the bad worker has never had a bad boss, so doesn’t appreciate and value the trust of the good boss. The bad worker cannot succeed on their merits, and therefore must exploit the ‘weakness’ of the good boss.

The bad worker’s exploitation of the good boss is why we respect the courage of the good boss.

The bad worker’s exploitation of the good boss is why we have much more bad positional power bosses.

And why bad workers make bad bosses.


Arguing with The Boss.


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