When We Ask.
'Life is not a straight line. Life is a zig-zag.'
- Maira Kalman
I was 13 and Widgetless.
I glanced at the Daily Bulletin pinned askew to our classroom noticeboard as I was leaving for lunch. I stopped to read the anonymous poem:
When we ask:
'Why am I?'
'What am I to become and be?'
'What is the meaning of my life?'
Then we are exploring
The region of our experience
Where God may be found.
I re-read those lines once, and have never forgotten them.
It was okay to not know my Widget. Indeed, it was a good thing.
Not knowing - and knowing it - were the beginning of Knowing.
Next - were questions.
A deliberate process of inquiry that would lead me to knowing.
And Knowing.
The Widget.