'If you do something every day, its a system. If you're waiting to achieve it someday in the future, it's a goal...Goal-oriented people exist in a state of continuous presuccess failure at best, and permanent failure at worst if things never work out. Systems people succeed every time they apply their systems, in the sense that they did what they intended to do. The goals people are fighting the feeling of discouragement at each turn. The systems people are feeling good everytime they apply their system. That's a big difference in terms of maintaining your personal energy in the right direction.'

- Scott Adams.


Good Decision Making is a deliberate process of inquiry that advances you towards where you want to be.

Integrity - doing what you said you were going to do.

Leaders with integrity apply a system of decision making that advances them towards their Widget, for the world to see, emulate, and learn from.


Passionate Doesn't Cut It.


Harry is Unhappy.