I’ve Never Worked in a School.

I walk past about fifty school students sitting on the grass in the shade beside the river.

A teacher or someone teaching them, sits in front, holding forth.

He’s still talking when I return fifteen minutes later.

The students face him - attentive - their backs to the gleaming river.

Outside. Sunny day. Green grass. Gentle breeze. River. Cityscape. Beach sand.

Who is holding the student’s attention?

The person talking.

A religion teacher developed online learning.

It was an animation of a religion teacher in a classroom teaching religion.

The students sitting in their seats behind desks.

The lesson consisted of the animated teacher asking the animated students questions and an animated student raised their hand and answered and the animated teacher corrected them, in the voice of the real teacher dubbed in.

With literally the world of the past and the present and the future - real and imaginary - available to him to use to teach - the teacher reproduced … the classroom.


Hard Deck.


The Master’s Tools