Our Shelter Amidst the Chaos of Information.

'The best way to learn about normal structures and normal function I think is to study disordered functions and disordered structures. When one has spent that amount of time studying abnormalities one develops an enormously healthy respect for normal, an enormously healthy respect for how equilibrium is maintained.'

- Sherwin Nuland, Surgeon


Decision making is an act of creating certainty from chaos. 

Buffeted by new information our compass spins and our map is ripped from our hands.

A good decision making process is a structure that shelters us from the push and pull of wild gusts of instinct and bias and the howling of opinions and creates a space for us to think.

We emerge with our decision beneath cloudless skies, a zephyr caressing our cheeks and clutching a new map with new terrain and a compass needle pointing steadily towards our Widget.

We step forth into the arc of a raindrop and the distant roll of thunder and our compass needle wobbles.


That's a Good Question.


The Decision is Superior to the Decision Maker.